It Started With Television
From the time I was a little boy, sitting in front of the television, I knew I belonged to that world. The characters on sitcoms were like family. I always felt a little sad when the music at the end of a show started, because it meant they would be leaving me alone until the following day or week.

Fame: The Musical
Between the ages of sixteen and twenty-four I joined two of the major Drama clubs in Grand Bahama, The Bahamas and learned as much as I could about acting and performing on stage. We traveled throughout The Bahamas putting on comedy shows and connecting with different audiences. Out of all the shows we did, the greatest to me was FAME: The Musical. I played the role of Nick and in my audition for the role I had to sing and dance. This was the moment I realized I could sing. Dancing would take more time lol. It took hours of training in both to get me where I needed to be in time for the show but I connected with the role. Nick wanted to be a successful actor more than anything else in the world and for years, this is what I wanted. Though, I had no clue how hard that fight was going to be.
I.M.T.A. Competition in New York
Lack of Funding A Common Theme
Competing at I.M.T.A. (International Modeling and Talent Association) opened a world to me I never knew was possible. Coming from The Bahamas to New York and being surrounded by young people who were as hungry as I to be in the business was an indescribable feeling. You see, I grew up asking people if they wanted to be in movies or be famous and they would say, "Nope!", so this experience was everything.
While at the competition, I auditioned for the New York School for Film and Television and out of thousands of people, I was given a partial scholarship. When I returned to The Bahamas, I told my Mother and we started on a mission to get funding for the remaining money that I would need to get in that school. We wrote letters to the government and set up Cook - Outs for assistance but nothing worked. At the time we were living in Grand Bahama and even though I was known as a fairly popular theater actor, no one cared. There was no support for 'actors'. Though I was disappointed, as the years went by I spent time with wedding videographers, who made movies in their spare time, and learned from them. I got a small camera and began filming and learning how to edit. I learned all the things I felt I would have learned, had I gone to school. I would not let anything stop me.
My Mother died on Christmas day '99 and it felt like life punched me in the stomach and knocked the wind out of me. I did not know if I still wanted to be an actor. I spent years after that trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted out of life. I just wanted to be normal and find a regular job and push the dreams out of my head.
The years passed with me either quitting or being fired from many different random jobs, in my attempt to be like everyone else.
In time, I returned to my first love with a new determination and created a DVD Series: Eric & Coletta. This was my first real project with actors working under me as a director. I made episode 1, put it on DVD and went out every day talking to people on the street and business owners, convincing them to purchase it. That episode ended with a cliffhanger and I made sure to put my cell number on the disk and I waited for them to call for episode 2. After weeks of pushing went by I was nervous and felt I had failed and no one cared to watch the rest of the series. I had put everything into that episode. Then one day a woman called and she screamed at me "You know you can't leave me hangin like dat! when the next episode coming out I ready to buy it!" Then I knew I had them. While we were not able to attract investors, it was clear we had a loyal audience that grew to over 100,000 copies being sold over a three year period. This was the first time I realized my potential.
Time went by, technologies changed and people stopped watching DVD's. Eventually I started a furniture cleaning and car detailing business. That business evolved into me developing a cleaning solution that people bought to clean their furniture and detail their car interiors themselves. I called that solution Blubaby Cleaner.
My movies are now also under that name: Blubaby Music & Film, powered by Blubaby Products LLC. Whoever you are reading this now, we still need investors. Have you ever woken up in the morning knowing you need to do something and not have the resources to do it? The agony to perform is always there... the value of what we bring is still needed. I have guided many young men and women in films who would otherwise have been involved in criminal activity had they not been able to express themselves in the arts. We must tell our own Caribbean stories. It does not take much to support, from a dollar to a thousand. All is appreciated. See the links below for more options to contribute.
My Movie Reel:
Children of God (Actor); Eric & Coletta, My Name is Eric (Writer/Producer/Director/Actor)
I understand not everyone can sponsor at the level we are requesting below. If you can't, a one month subscription is more than enough. If no one turns away and everyone does something, we will hit our goal!

RED DIGITAL CINEMA V-RAPTOR [X] 8K (Lens Not Incl.) USD$40,500
We need to upgrade our equipment. Help us deliver Netflix type quality with Caribbean stories. Click the link below if you wish to purchase it for us. Also shoot us a message.

Paying Talent $25,000
We have filmed two series so far: one based in LA and the other in Jamaica. Both series are close to completion. We have eight weeks of shooting left to wrap up season 1 of 'Angels Unawares' and 'Call Me Pimp Love' is in the post production phase.
Roughly Twenty Five Thousand Dollars would cover talent costs for both productions. Actors in LA would normally be paid between $700 - $1,500 minimum per day for speaking roles. However as a new company, we would be unable to pay that full rate. We would like to start our actors at a rate of $200 to $300 per day, as funding becomes available. We want actors to be able to receive reasonable compensation for their time and efforts.
We also want to start shooting more shows and movies without worrying about the necessary costs and resources. Asking for funding is a vital part of this process. Your contribution is invaluable.

Post Production $54,000
Post production is needed on both projects. 'Angels Unawares' and 'Call Me Pimp Love'. After all the filming is done and all the actors have gone home, the real work of editing the footage begins. This is where the story is truly shaped in the direction it needs to go. Everything the director missed gets one last opportunity to be corrected in the editing room.
- Editing
- Special Effects
- Audio Clarity & Effects
- Color Grading
Each episode costs $3,000 for post production. This low cost is because this is a web series and each episode is 8 - 10 minutes long. 'Call Me Pimp Love' is a total of $24,000. 'Angels Unawares' has 10 episodes at a total of $30,000 - $54,000 in total.

Marketing/Website - $3,000 per month
We will be doing consistent marketing into The Caribbean and U.S. Markets first then testing in other regions. We estimate a marketing budget of $1500 - $2000 per month to be sufficient at the onset. This will include Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. We will include website upkeep and video hosting in the marketing costs as well.